Saturday 19 September 2015


Lifestyle: Yoga In The Sky

Every now and then, a new type of fitness routine creates a universal buzz and then fizzles out after the hype dies down. We’ve been through water aerobics, belly dancing and martial arts, but now it’s time for all of them to move over. Making its rounds around the fitness block these days is Anti-Gravity yoga. We give you a sneak peak.
How it’s done: It’s not as hard as you think and no, this doesn’t happen in actual zero gravity. It’s basically a type of hammock on which you practice yoga, just a few feet off the ground. The chords hanging  off the ceiling support you and simultaneously help you take on those otherwise extremely difficult yoga positions.
We’ve pulled up a few ‘need to know facts’ about the trend.

Christopher Harrison, who is a director and choreographer, founded it. His penchant for aerial arts led to his company AntiGravity Aerial Yoga. He also happened to co-find the acrobatic troupe of Cirque de Soleil.
Celebrities like Pink, Mariah Carey and Britney Spears never fail to look fantastic. They happen to be followers of this particular type of yoga and practice it regularly.
Are you one of those people chained to your desks all through the week and take home a backache every day? Anti-gravity yoga fixes that in an instant along with helping you get that flat stomach. It makes you flexible and completely stretches you out, strengthening your core while you’re at it. It’s a win-win regime.
It might look like fun and games on the outside, but on the inside, it regulates your metabolism and hormone functions. It even helps in your blood circulation.
Most importantly of all, it’s fun, it’s up above the ground and it keeps you young – what more can a person ask for when it comes to fitness?

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