Saturday 19 September 2015



The heritage of Yoga dates back to some five thousand odd years and has evolved from being in the Vedas then to there now being an International Yoga Day. In light of the grand success that Yoga Day has garnered world over there has been a sudden interest in yoga as a fitness mantra! And we at BB couldn’t keep ourselves from joining in. We called on yoga expert, Rasha Balooch, to hold our hand through this Yoga Week and teach us an asana a day. Here’s the first of our six part series that you can practice at home—the Suryanamaskar.
Take a deep breath… and begin...
*Warm up
Surya Namaskar A- 5 times
Inhale, take the arms up from the side and join your palms, dropping your head back to look at the thumbs.

Exhaling, fold forward allowing your palms to reach the floor and lock your chin down to your chest.

Inhale arching your spine to look up at the space between your eyebrows.

Exhaling, walk back, curl the toes in chaturangadandasana or the four-limbed staff pose allowing your body to stay parallel to the floor while your elbows remain tucked in (if one finds this difficult, lie down on your abdomen and keep the toes turned in, on the floor and the knees and thighs lifted.)

Inhale into urdhvamukhasvanasana or upward facing dog, pointing the toes out, keeping the knees and thighs lifted, arching through your spine and looking at a point behind you.

Exhaling move into adho mukha svanasana or downward facing dog by bringing the toes back in, lifting the knees and buttock upwards, keeping your elbows locked and gaze at your navel center. Take 5 deep breaths.

Inhaling walk or jump forward to touch your palms on the floor.

Exhaling, then place the chin down into your chest into step 2.

Inhaling bring the arms and body up together to join your palms and then allow them to rest by your side in a neutral position.

Surya Namaskar B- 3 times

Inhale and take the arms up from the side and join your palms and simultaneously bend the knees.

As you exhale, fold forward allowing your palms to reach the floor and lock your chin down to your chest.

Inhale arching your spine to look up at the space between your eyebrows.

As you exhale, walk or jump back into plank pose, allowing your body to stay parallel to the floor while your elbows remain tucked in (if one finds this difficult, lie down on your abdomen and keep the toes turned in, on the floor and the knees and thighs lifted).

Inhale into upward facing dog, pointing the toes out, keeping the knees and thighs lifted, arching through your spine and looking at a point behind you

Exhaling move into downward facing dog by bringing the toes back in, lifting the knees and buttock upwards, keeping your elbows locked and gaze at your navel.

Inhaling bring the right leg forward between both your palms and bring the upper body away from the thighs stretching the arms over the head and joining the palms.

As you exhale, walk or jump back into plank pose, allowing your body to stay parallel to the floor while your elbows remain tucked in (if one finds this difficult, lie down on your abdomen and keep the toes turned in, on the floor and the knees and thighs lifted)

As you inhale, into upward facing dog, pointing the toes out, keeping the knees and thighs lifted, arching through your spine and looking at a point behind you.

Exhaling move into downward facing dog by bringing the toes back in, lifting the knees and buttock upwards, keeping your elbows locked and gaze at your naval center

As you inhale, bring the left leg forward between both your palms and bring the upper body away from the thighs stretching the arms and joining the palms warrior pose 1.

As you exhale, walk into chaturangadandasana allowing your body to stay parallel to the floor while your elbows remain tucked in (if one finds this difficult, lie down on your abdomen and keep the toes turned in, on the floor and the knees and thighs lifted)

As you inhale, into upward facing dog, pointing the toes out, keeping the knees and thighs lifted, arching through your spine and looking at a point behind you.

As you exhale, move into downward facing dog by bringing the toes back in, lifting the knees and buttock upwards, keeping your elbows locked and gaze at your navel center. Take 5 deep breaths.

Inhale arching your spine to look up at the space between your eyebrows

As you exhale, fold forward allowing your palms to reach the floor and lock your chin down to your chest.

As you inhale, take the arms up from the side and join your palms and simultaneously bend the knees.

Location Credit - BnB Studio. Andheri (W).
Rasha Balooch can be reached at her Facebook page’Lovelivelight Yoga by Rasha.’ She’s also on Instagram at ‘lovelivelightyoga.’

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