Wednesday 9 September 2015

DIYSKIN CARE#HOW TO MAKEDIY Homemade Anti-Aging Cucumber Face Mask

DIY Homemade Anti-Aging Cucumber Face Mask

Home » DIY Homemade » DIY Homemade Anti-Aging Cucumber Face Mask

A nourishing and hydrating cucumber mask is excellent for aging skin. Due to its astringent and soothing ingredients, it will also benefit acne-prone and sunburned skin.
Cucumber contains the trace mineral silica that rejuvenates your skin and strengthens the connective tissues to help maintain elasticity and combat wrinkles.
Being an astringent, it also tightens the skin and keeps it hydrated, thanks to its high water content. Plus, it is a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants that help maintain clear, glowing and younger-looking skin. It is good for reducing dark circles under the eyes, too.

The anti-aging cucumber face mask also includes aloe vera, lemon juice and rose water. Aloe vera is another great ingredient for aging skin as it stimulates cell renewal. Also, the soothing and moisturizing gel is good for treating acne and sunburn. Sun damage is a key contributor to skin aging.
Lemon juice and rose water are also incredible for your skin due to their antioxidant and skin-tightening properties. Plus, they help fade blemishes, reduce age spots, minimize large pores and add a youthful glow to your skin. The wonderful smell of rose water also has a calming and relaxing effect, thus reducing stress.

How to make an anti-aging cucumber face mask

Things you will need:
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Lemon
  • Rose water
  • A bowl
  • A knife
  • A blender
  • Measuring spoons


1. Peel one-half of a cucumber.

DIY cucumber anti aging mask step1

2. Chop it.

DIY cucumber antiaging mask step2

3. Toss the cucumber chunks into a blender.

DIY cucumber antiaging face mask step3

4. Add 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel.

DIY cucumber antiaging mask step4

5. Add 1/2 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

DIY cucumber antiaging mask step5

6. Add 1/2 teaspoon of pure rose water.

DIY cucumber antiaging mask step6

7. Blend the mixture for a couple of minutes.

DIY cucumber antiaging face mask step7
DIY cucumber anti aging mask ingredients


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