Friday 26 February 2016



With a new season just around the corner, it’s about to amp up your style. And before you head to your wardrobe to wrangle out the latest in fashion, don’t miss getting your hair in on the action as well! When it’s time for the season to transition, so is it time for your hair. And what’s the easiest to do that? With a brand new colorful mane, of course!

Hair colour has evolved greatly through the years and today, it promises a whole new look without the danger of hair damage. But before you take the colourful plunge to find out the best hair colour for you, there’s a thing or two to remember before you get down to experimentation.

Find your skin tone 

When you use the right shade of hair colour, it can change your appearance completely. The best way to find the right colour for your hair is by finding out your skin tone and the hair colour that blends well with it. Remember that your skin tone changes depending on the sun exposure and tan you have so here are 2 simple ways to figure out what your skin tone is.

T-shirt test 

Firstly, remove all traces of makeup from your face and stand in front of a mirror. Make sure that there is a window or any other natural source of light in the room. Then hold a red or yellow t-shirt against your face followed by either a green or blue t-shirt. You’ll find a noticeable difference as to how your face looks against the colours. If your face looks better against the red or yellow t-shirt, you have a warm skin tone. If it looks better against the blue or green t-shirt, you have a cool skin tone.

Vein test
Stand under a natural source of light, like sunlight and observe the veins on the underside of your wrist. If your veins are green in colour, you have a warm skin tone. If your veins are blue in colour, you have a cool skin tone.

Warm skin tones 

So once you’ve determined your skin tone, the enjoyable part is picking a hair colour for yourself. If you have a warm skin tone, you can choose a hair colour that falls in the family of earthy brown, auburn, deep red and violet. Mocha, pumpkin spice, plum and burgundy seem to be popular favourites. Subdued ombre or subtle lowlights can also bring out the warmth of your skin tone. We suggest using a special shampoo such as the TRESemme Color Revitalize Protection For Color Treated Hair to maintain the vibrancy of your colour.

Celebrity inspiration with warm skin tones: Beyonce, Deepika Padukone, Sofia Vergara

Cool skin tones
Cool skin tones generally belong to those who have fair and rosy peach skin colours and the paler their skin is, the lighter they can go with their hair colour. If you have a cool skin tone, you can choose a hair colour that falls in the family of blond, caramel and copper. Pick your hair colour from that of butterscotch, honey, platinum and champagne from the shade card. Trendy pastel streaks or flaxen highlights will bring out the peachiness of your skin tone. To maintain your hair colour, add the BedHead by TIGI Dumb Blonde Shampoo and Conditioner to prevent brassiness and breakage.

Celebrity inspiration with cool skin tones: Miley Cyrus, Katrina Kaif, Taylor Swift

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