Wednesday 27 January 2016



We swear by a rigorous workout regime when it comes to achieving that perfect body. But have you ever wondered that your skin could do with some exercise too? After all, post a long day at work all the stress and pollution can take a toll on your skin and show in the form of saggy, tired-looking skin. All of this can be slowly but surely arrested by way of massaging your face. Massaging your face will not only ensure that there’s enough blood circulation, which will enhance the delivery of oxygen to the skin cells making your skin look far healthier than before. A face massage will also relax you and flush out toxins from inside giving you happy skin! Want to know the ways in which you can give yourself a facial massage? Read on.

Deep-cleansing massage 

This massage involves massage your face with cleansing milk/cleansing oil. We usually rub it on our skin to remove impurities and immediately rinse it off, right? But to ensure that there’s an increase in blood circulation, just use your two fingers to rub your face in circular motion with some cleansing oil. Start with your forehead and move to your temples. Gently move to the area around the eyes and then go towards the nose, cheeks, jawline, neck and chest. This will ensure that the troubled points are dealt with and there’s oxygenated blood flowing throughout your face. This means your dark circles will reduce, your puffiness will come down and the overall texture of your skin will get better. Hello, gorgeous skin!

Lifting massage 

Think your skin is looking unusually saggy and loose lately? Well, you deserve a lifting massage. This massage will help the skin look firm and plump. Well, that’s because this one smoothens the muscles and tissues of the face. It stimulates the flow of energy and improves the elasticity of the skin while eliminating hidden toxins from the skin. To perform this massage, you need to choose a good lubricant like a toner or a serum that will get absorbed into your skin deeply. Dab the lubricant on a makeup pad and aim for the tap and release method while performing the face massage. Start from the chest and then move upwards towards the neck, jawline and under eye area. But once you move to the eye zone, just lift the brow and gently move around the eye till the brow bone a couple of times. When you go for the forehead, move up three times, beginning in the middle and then work your way out. Not too tough if you’ve always wanted younger looking skin, right?

Ice massage 

You know how beauty experts often tell you to use ice cubes on your face? Well, it’s one of the greatest routes to glowing skin. Besides having a cooling and soothing feeling on the skin, this massage helps minimize pores and reduces the excess oil from your skin. Ice is known to improve blood circulation. All you have to do is rub the ice across the forehead, on the apples of your cheeks, under the chin and on your neck. The cold constricts the blood vessels and tightens your face up. We suggest you don’t apply the ice directly on the skin for too long because that can make the capillaries of the skin break. So every few seconds keep splashing room temperature water on your face to ease the process.

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