Monday 31 August 2015

Diy#home products#10 home products of daily use u can make urself#very easy#interesting

Homemade products seem to be the biggest trend lately, everything from deodorant to cooking spray! I was a little hesitant at first to try any of them– I suppose I preferred to just take the lazy way out and buy all of my familiar products at the store. I mean, I just love the smell of Gain! I can’t give that up, right?
After doing a ton of research, I actually discovered that most of the popular homemade products are extremely easy to make, require less than 5 ingredients, are a fraction of the cost of commercial products, but most importantly, they’re better for you and your health! After reading the long list of ingredients in some of the stuff I was buying, I finally decided to give some of these DIY products a try for myself.
I created a list of some of my favorite homemade products (basically the ones that were easy enough and actually worth the time). There were a few popular homemade products that I left off of the list (laundry detergent and dish detergent) because after reading the reviews and trying to find the best recipes, they just didn’t seem to hold up or work as well.
Here’s the beauty of it, a lot of these household recipes contain ingredients you probably already have at home! But, you may need a few things to get started like varying size spray bottles, jars, essential oils and a cute set of labels like this chalkboard label pack. Just about everything else you can find at any grocery or health food store.

1. Homemade Bug Repellent
If you’re anything like me, you know how the mosquitos can completely ruin an evening outdoors, making it impossible to enjoy yourself without them biting and buzzing by your ears. Even though I tend to be the one bitten, I just can’t bring myself to wear commercial bug spray– I just feel like I’m spraying poison all over my body!
Fortunately, there are natural oils that repel bugs without all of the nasty chemicals. Simply mix about a cup of distilled water with 14 drops of citronella essential oil and 14 drops of purification essential oil (a blend of natural mosquito repellents like lemongrass and rosemary). Pour into a small spray bottle and shake before each use. Spray it generously on your body and clothes, but avoid your face. You can add more essential oils if it’s not as effective as you’d like. Oh, and be sure to label the bottle!

2. Homemade Deodorant
DIY deodorant is something I’ve been very hesitant about (I mean why go through the trouble of making it when I can just buy it?), but I’ve had a few friends that have experimented with it and claim that it works so much better than the store-bought stuff. Hmm, perhaps I should give it a try.
I went on a hunt for the best homemade deodorant recipe, and this is the one I found to have the best reviews. Place the shea butter and coconut oil in a glass mason jar, and put the jar in a small pot of hot water until barely melted. Remove from the heat and mix in the baking soda, arrow root powder and the essential oils of your choice. If you don’t have arrow root, add more baking soda. Let it cool completely (doesn’t need to be in the fridge), and scoop it into an empty deodorant container. Voila!
#2. Homemade Deodorant -- 22 Everyday Products You Can Easily Make From Home (for less!) These are all so much healthier, too!
3. Homemade Cold Remedy
Mix all three ingredients and heat in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Drink once a day as needed. That’s it! This concoction will probably make you pucker, but it’s worth every bitter sweet drop. It helps with a cold, sinus infection, and sore throat. If you plan on drinking this often, be sure to rinse your mouth out with water after to save the enamel on your teeth (this mixture is very acidic). If you’d like to learn more about this knockout remedy, you can get more info here.

#3. Homemade Cold Remedy -- 22 Everyday Products You Can Easily Make From Home (for less!) These are all so much healthier, too!

4. DIY Wood Scratch Repair
It doesn’t get any easier than this, and yes, it works! I used this mixture years ago on my kitchen cabinets, and I was flabbergasted at what a difference it made– they looked brand new! It was like taking an eraser and using it on all of the scratches.
Simply mix together 1/4 part white vinegar with 3/4 parts olive oil (I’m pretty sure canola or vegetable oil would work, too). Don’t worry about getting the measurements exact, you can even just eyeball it. Dip a rag or other soft cloth in the mixture and rub it on any piece of finished wood furniture or cabinet that needs a little sprucing up.

#4. Homemade Wood Scratch Repair -- This mixture works like a MIRACLE!! 22 Everyday Products You Can Easily Make From Home (for less!)

5. Homemade Fruit & Veggie Wash
Just a couple of ingredients that you probably already have at home to make this all-natural fruit and veggie wash! Fill a spray bottle with the baking soda, lemon juice and water, shake gently, then spray and rub on your fresh produce. Don’t forget to rinse. If you’d like to label your bottle, check out this pack of 40 unique labels in varying sizes.

#5. Homemade Fruit And Veggie Wash -- 22 Everyday Products You Can Easily Make From Home (for less!) These are all so much healthier, too!
6. Homemade Jewelry Cleaner
I don’t wear jewelry, but I do have a wedding ring that gets neglected. Even though I wear it everyday, it’s the one thing I just never think to clean! After 15 years of marriage, I think I forgot how shiny is was supposed to be.
If you’d like to bring back some of the luster to your jewelry, simply mix together these common household ingredients with hot water and let your jewelry soak for as long as you’d like (you really only need 10-15 minutes). Use a soft toothbrush to scrub if you have a lot of grooves and crevices that need reaching.
#6. Homemade Jewelry Cleaner -- 22 Everyday Products You Can Easily Make From Home (for less!)
7. Homemade "Goo Gone"
One of my biggest pet peeves–I mean the one that really gets under my skin and causes smoke to blow out of my ears–is the sticker residue left behind from price tags! It is so frustrating to buy a picture frame only to have thick sticker residue left behind right in the middle of the glass cover! Arg!
The only thing I’ve found to make the process of getting it off not so daunting is Goo Gone, but it’s unfortunate how much that stuff stinks. The entire house smells like gasoline when I’m done, not to mention you can never find the stuff when you need it. In a pinch, try mixing together vegetable oil and baking soda. The oil helps lift the sticky residue and the baking soda assists by making it abrasive. For a thicker paste, add a little more baking soda until you get the consistency you want.
#7. Homemade Goo Gone -- 22 Everyday Products You Can Easily Make From Home (for less!) These are all so much healthier, too!

8. Homemade Detangle Spray
Duh, right?! I’ve never really thought about it before, but detangle spray is really just watered down conditioner (the cheap conditioners actually work better because they are usually not as concentrated). You can make a bottle of this stuff for less than a quarter!
Fill a good quality spray bottle about 1/4 full of conditioner (even less if you’re using a more expensive brand or a thicker hair mask), and the rest with hot water. To get it mixed really well, only fill the bottle about half full of water, give it a good shake, fill the remaining space with more hot water, and then label it with tape or something a little nicer like these.
#8. Homemade Detangle Spray -- 22 Everyday Products You Can Easily Make From Home (for less!) These are all so much healthier, too!

9. Homemade Ear Drops
To prevent swimmer’s ear, put about 4 drops of this homemade ear drop solution (1 part vinegar to 1 part alcohol) in each ear after a day in the water. This is not for use if you already have an existing ear infection– the alcohol simply helps dry out your ears while the vinegar helps combat the build-up of bacteria. For more information, check out this article here.
#9. Homemade After-Swimming Ear Drops -- 22 Everyday Products You Can Easily Make From Home (for less!) These are all so much healthier, too!
10. Homemade Carpet Powder
You may already know that baking soda works wonders in getting nasty smells out of carpet, rugs, and car upholstery, but the addition of essential oils leaves your home smelling fresh, just like the commercial carpet powders you can buy at the store, only cheaper and much better for you to be inhaling!
Mix several drops of essential oil in with a box of baking soda in the container you plan on storing it in (an empty parmesan container is a good choice!). Sprinkle the mixture onto the areas of your carpet that need odor control, let it sit for about 15 minutes, and then vacuum it up.
#10. Homemade Carpet Powder -- 22 Everyday Products You Can Easily Make From Home (for less!) These are all so much healthier, too!

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