Thursday 27 August 2015


Now you can be slim without going gym andcan burn hundreds of todays busy life its very difficult to take out time for gym.but dont worry here are some tricks by which u can burn calories while doing your daily activities and its good for ur pocket also.
so enjoy reading
It’s not just about burning calories, the real goal should be about getting more fit and healthy (but this usually means burning more calories), which also means losing weight– a struggle for most people!
It is your lifestyle, after all, that has the biggest impact on your overall health, fitness and weight. Unfortunately, a lot of us sit at a desk half of the day, and on top of that, are also sitting many hours a day in the car and on the couch. That’s a lot sitting! But, burning the extra calories to make up for our inactive lives doesn’t necessarily mean we have to join a gym or wake up hours before sunrise to be more active (although, it doesn’t hurt if you have the time for this!). Here are a few easy ways to burn extra calories every day by making small changes to your daily routines.

1. Turn Waiting Time Into A Workout
If you were to count up all the free minutes you have during the day in between chores, while cooking dinner, or standing in line, you might just find that you actually have more free time to workout than you’d think! Instead of waiting for the water to boil, the toast to be done, or the dryer to beep, do counter pushups, squats, lunges, calf raises, or any thing else that is active in place of standing around while you wait (even kegels while you stand in line at the grocery store).

#1. Turn your chores and waiting time into a workout! -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day
2. Cycle At Your Desk
Can you think of a better way to get moving while you sit at your desk?! I just bought one of these DeskCycles a few months back, and to be honest, it’s kind of hard to cycle when you’re really trying to concentrate or type, but I love to sit back every 5 minutes or so and pedal until I get my heart rate up a little. It even comes with a display you can put on your desk that tells you your speed, time, distance, and calories burned. I can usually get an extra 100-200 calories burned at my desk depending on how long my work day is.
I think it’s in our nature to do things the fastest and easiest way possible, but if you can purposely make your life just a bit more physically challenging, you can burn an extra 100+ calories a day just by making small changes to your routine.
You have probably already been told to park far away when out shopping to get those extra steps in every day, but what about getting off of the elevator a level or two early and walking the rest of the way, using the restroom that’s the furthest from your desk, or getting off the bus or subway one stop early? Time might not always permit this, but taking the long way isn’t always the wrong way when it comes to burning a few extra calories.
#3. Always take the long way! -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day
#2. Burn 100+ extra calories a day at your desk! -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day

3. Take The Long Way
I think it’s in our nature to do things the fastest and easiest way possible, but if you can purposely make your life just a bit more physically challenging, you can burn an extra 100+ calories a day just by making small changes to your routine.
You have probably already been told to park far away when out shopping to get those extra steps in every day, but what about getting off of the elevator a level or two early and walking the rest of the way, using the restroom that’s the furthest from your desk, or getting off the bus or subway one stop early? Time might not always permit this, but taking the long way isn’t always the wrong way when it comes to burning a few extra calories.
#3. Always take the long way! -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day

4. Don't Just Walk Up The Stairs
Run, jump, or squat! Be careful if you have bad knees, but the stairs are the easiest way to burn a lot of calories fast, especially if you’re going up them anyway. If you have stairs in your home, think of them as an opportunity to get a quick workout every time you have to go up. I like to even run in place on each step for 5 or so seconds, jump to the next step, and then repeat.
#4. Don't just walk up the stairs! -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day 
5. Walking Meetings
Instead of sitting in a conference room, take your meetings outside for a walk. Not only does this burn a few extra calories and promote circulation after sitting at your desk, but the change of scenery and activity can really get your creative juices flowing, as well as help with communication. Those 5 minutes outside will also break up the day and make the rest of your work day easier and more enjoyable.

#5. Walk Meetings -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day
6. Adjustable Desk Top
I tried the idea of a standing desk a few years back, but unfortunately it wasn’t adjustable, so sitting down wasn’t an option. I thought I could get through a long day at my desk without sitting down, but I was wrong! I went from having back problems, to having different back problems. Ideally, I want the option to sit and then stand, sit and then stand.
If you’re desk-bound like me, you know exactly what I’m talking about! I found this adjustable desk top on Amazon and couldn’t resist sharing my find. You can just rest it on your existing desk and adjust it from standing to sitting in 3 seconds.
Not only does standing (at least a large portion of the day) help relieve pain and improve posture, but the extra calories burned over the course of a year can easily add up to a 5-15 pound weight loss.
Everyone knows that watching TV isn’t a good calorie burner (unless you’re on a treadmill or stationary bike!), but that doesn’t mean you can’t offset the couch potato inside of you a bit by using the commercials as your opportunity to get up and be active. This can be something as simple as getting up and doing a quick chore, running up and down the stairs, or getting on the floor and working on your six pack — just as long as you make it a point to get up off of the couch for every commercial!
#7. Get off of the couch for every commercial. -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day
#6. Get an adjustable desk top so you can stand and sit. -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day
7. Take Advantage Of Commercials
Everyone knows that watching TV isn’t a good calorie burner (unless you’re on a treadmill or stationary bike!), but that doesn’t mean you can’t offset the couch potato inside of you a bit by using the commercials as your opportunity to get up and be active. This can be something as simple as getting up and doing a quick chore, running up and down the stairs, or getting on the floor and working on your six pack — just as long as you make it a point to get up off of the couch for every commercial!
#7. Get off of the couch for every commercial. -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day

8. Get Fit At Your Desk
No time for the gym because your desk chair owns you? Apparently, you are not the only one! Which is why someone came up with this genius desk chair gym to work on your upper body strength without having to even get up. You could also just store a few weights or a resistance band under your desk, and get a decent workout little bits at a time throughout your workday.
Talk about multi tasking! All that time we spend drying our hair, brushing and flossing our teeth, and applying lotions and creams could also be used to strengthen our lower body with wall squats, calf raises, or butt squeezes. I also like to stretch my hamstrings when I dry my hair upside down by keeping my legs straight and putting my head as close to my knees as possible.

#8. Workout at your desk chair. -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day
9. Workout While Getting Ready
Talk about multi tasking! All that time we spend drying our hair, brushing and flossing our teeth, and applying lotions and creams could also be used to strengthen our lower body with wall squats, calf raises, or butt squeezes. I also like to stretch my hamstrings when I dry my hair upside down by keeping my legs straight and putting my head as close to my knees as possible.
#9. Do squat holds and calf raises while getting ready. -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day

#9. Do wall squats and calf raises while brushing your teeth. -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day

10. Fidget More
This may seem like a silly way to burn more calories, but have you ever heard that fidgeters burn up to an extra 350 calories per day? This seems hard to believe, but I suppose every little movement counts. I keep one of these Grip Masters at my desk and on my coffee table, and constantly find myself using it throughout the day. I couldn’t tell you how many extra calories I actually burn, but I can sure feel it in my hands and forearms!
Also, try to move or tap your feet when at rest (sitting at your desk or watching TV), if you’re talking on the phone, get up and walk; pace whenever possible, run instead of walking from one room to the next, and get up as much as possible.
#10. Fidget more. -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day
11. Upbeat Music
The music you listen to can really set your mood, either robbing you of energy or giving you that little extra boost. If you listen to music with a fast beat, you will unconsciously find yourself moving a bit quicker, which ultimately means burning more calories. Sometimes an upbeat song can feel like it gives you as much energy as a cup of coffee, so be careful with your music choices, especially if you want to get more done!
#11. Listen to upbeat music. -- 11 Sneaky Ways To Burn More Calories Every Day

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